La vita e come una partita di


Godetevi ilgio

Life is like a soccer game.

Enjoy the game.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov 30, 2010

maybe another rest day for me, i have to work and there is no one here to cover dispatching. probably best for my knees. That being said, today is day 2 of the Xfitone Paleo Challenge. I am accepting ideas for t shirt designs. I will be giving out free tees to the most improved Xfitter for the month of December and i will also give a free month to any Xfitter that participates in my program for at least 1 day in the month of December.

Also, many props to 81 for power cleaning 175 at the unnamed box in A-Town. i know he owes at all to XFITONE.COM. much respect!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov 29, 2010

Rest day for me, nice easy work out yesterday trying to loosen up the joints. Since, today is a Monday and it sucks, maybe today is a good to start the popular trend of a strict Paleo Diet. YEA!!!!!!! That means no beer! ThaT sucks arse, but it will be worth it: or will it. Stay tuned for the details. Oh 81, I am going to kick your ass!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nov 28, 2010


5 rds
max dead hang pullups

400 m run
50 thrusters 45#
50 situps
Nov 27, 2010


95 bench
65 hanging cleans
100 m farmers walk

Friday, November 26, 2010

Nov 26, 2010


4 rds

200 jump ropes
25 thrusters
25 situps
25 scorpions
25 true pushups

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nov 22, 2010


3 rds of cindy
with 20 situps and 20 back extensions between rds

120 pullups
120 dips

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov 17, 2010


100 pullups for time
3:00 rest
100 pushups for time

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov 12, 2010

warm up
do something


10 rds

100 jump ropes
30 pushups

100 situps
100 back extensions

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov 11, 2010


6 rds
50 squats
15 pullups


4 rds
tabata l-sits-back extensions

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov 10, 2010


5 rds

100 jump ropes
25 back ext
25 pushups
100 jump ropes
25 pullups
25 presses

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov 9, 2010

50 squats
21 pullups, dips, half getups
75 squats
15 pullups, dips, half getups
100 squats
9 pullups, dips, half getups

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 6, 2010




Death by Pushups

with a weighted vest.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov 5, 2010

First of all, yesterday was

Nick's birthday. Happy birthday to him!!!!


Please refer to Brandt Fitness/Crossfit website for the workout today.

10 Rds

15 kb swings

15 pushups

no sprinting for me, playing softball tonight

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 2, 2010


5 rds

10 pulls
20 pushups
10 deadlifts
20 situps
10 press
20 squats


60 scorpions